The Have's and the Have More

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For many years we knew that a class five hurricane would devastate the city of New Orleans as well as destroy the Gulf Coast area. New Orleans being a city that sits below sea level was bound to be drowned out. As we know “The Big One” will devastate California, Mount Rainer will reactivate and the volcano will devastate Washington State and Yellowstone Park has a active caldera that will devastate many lives. Those events that will happen will happen without the notice we had for Katrina.
For days while Katrina was making her way to the Gulf coast showing winds and pressures to rival the largest hurricane on record, President Bush was on vacation in Texas. I guess he deserves his vacation so he can oversee his oil empire as the threat of a major disaster slowly makes it way to its consummation of death. Planning the increase of gas prices and not mobilizing trucks, buses and helicopters to bring food, water and dry clothing to the people known to be in trouble was more important. Like stated before this tragedy is something that was known to be coming.
"Truckloads of water, ice, meals, medical supplies, generators, tents and tarpaulins" are loaded aboard 1,700 trailer trucks in an initial emergency response, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said after the fact, but people were dieing as he spoke. Planning the relief days before the disaster hit was not prevalent.
The great leader of the richest country in the world chose to fly over the area safe and secure in Air Force One while his people ware drenched and starving and dehydrating and dying. Thought of President Bush in a classroom of children while the twin towers were falling during 911 comes to mind.
The question comes up as to why those didn’t people leave. Well those of us that have two cars in the driveway and have family and friends all over. Those of us that have credit cards and bank accounts fail to remember that there are far too many who don’t have such luxuries. Remember that the poorest part of this wealthy country live in this region. The wealth they have exist in their family and friends that surround them. Thus they had nowhere to go or the means to go.
My question is why weren’t their transports for those people prior to Katrina’s arrival. Like Scrooge who stated his contempt for the poor by verbalizing to reduce the surplus population. Ebenezer Bush with his lack of proactive support helped to reduce the so called “surplus population.”
Lawlessness and looting sprung up from the disaster area and was the top of every story. When talking of the tsunami in Asia the top stories were not of looting. In Sri Lanka some 30,000 people were killed by the tsunami and nearly a million had been made homeless. In neighboring India more than 15,000 people were killed, but the worst hit was Indonesia where more than 94,000 people have lost their lives. Here people far shoddier than those in the United States have very little incidence of looting. There is no excuse for looting yet when disenfranchised people of a rich nation are misplaced by their government and are drenched to their bones. When they are in dire need of food and clean fresh water, what do we think they would do?
“They’re on the way!” They’re on the way is the answer from the administration when talking about food water and troops. Why is it that on the third day after the disaster President Bush was now mobilizing? Again I state this catastrophe is something that was expected for years and for days meteorologist and weather experts said Katrina was coming and was going to be a category five.
They’re on the way is not acceptable because relieve should have been ready to go before Katrina hit. My next question is so obvious and extremely dishearten if the truth is as obvious. Mr. Bush is it that the people who were left in the cities were predominantly Black and poor thusly were considered collateral damage and expendable? Ebenezer Bush were they surplus population? They are not part of your “The Have's and The Have More Clan."
As you stated in a prior speach, your constituency is the Have's and the Have more. Ebenezer Bush will the Carlyle Group get the contracts for the rebuilding of New Orleans? Will there be a plan for urban renewal to keep certain people form returning?
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