Let's Kill the Babies
I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down. So these far-out, these far-reaching, extensive extrapolations are, I think, tricky.
It is statements like this that not only chaps my hide but also lends me to befall assault. Conservative commentator William J. Bennett made this statement on his national radio talk show. I tend to have and maintain a great poker face when talking with people because of my conservative views. This poker face caused me great pain when I first heard of Heir Bennett’s’ statement. The first I heard of this statement came from my mother. Upon telling me of Heir Bennett’s’ statement she looked at me and asked what I think about it. Thus appeared my poker face. She then stated that I believed his statement. My poker face came from my disbelief that someone would state something like this and not retract is. "We are not going to back down from our views, and I'm not going to apologize," a combative Bennett said. The other reason for my poker face was that I didn’t know about it. I being an information junkie and one who listens to talk radio in the car rather than booming my radio to annoy the other drivers with loud music, I haven’t been feeding my info habit for a long time because the news has been so detrimental to my mental health since the hurricanes and the Iraq war. The last reason for my poker face was that I wanted to say things that would cause a gang banging, hard drinking, Hells Angel to blush. It is extremely hard for me to write this with using derogatory verbage. Most people how know me intimately knows I don’t use such language.
A conservative by definition is one who preserves an principle. I am not a conservative to conserve the principles of idiotic men or a certain political party. I want to preserve the Idea of the Constitution that all men are created equal. I want to preserve the Idea that working hard and not seeking hand outs to get what you want. I want to preserve the Ten Commandments and the moral basic truths of this world. Liberal by definition is one who thinks that everything is permissible or appropriate for a person of free birth,
thus sitting on fences to follow the sway of the populist. I was just recently asked to lower my standards as if having high expectations is too much for people today. I have been saying what Bill Cosby said years before he came out and stated: "People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around. ... The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. "Brown versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem. We have got to take the neighborhood back. ... They are standing on the corner and they can't speak English.," he said, addressing an audience of Washington VIPs
Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others.
Ambrose Bierce
I am a card carrying conservative because I do have basic moral values. I am not a card carrying Idiot. What is a political party? The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln, the man who freed the slaves. It is also the party of George Bush Jr. who has us in a war because of weapons of mass destruction, so he says. The Democratic Party is the party of Kennedy a wealthy man and the party of Clinton who now is seen holding hands with Bush Sr. making more money than he did as president.. It is also the party of Truman who dropped the WMD on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, speaking of WMD’s. Speaking of alliances look at Prime Minister Blair friend of Clinton went to bed with Bush Jr. and found himself in difficulty. Go to sleep with leeches and wake up drained. If it is true that we are a government of the people and by the people, I say parties be damn and we should vote the incumbents out until they realize we are suppose to be in control. Political Conservatives are liberally defending Heir Bennett’s statement by trying to qualify them. Bill O’Reilly stated “I feel sorry for Bennett” I am a card carrying conservative to preserve the values of this planet not to stride a fence to graze in the yard that has the greener grass today.
I’m not writing about me however, I’m writing to say if I believe what Heir Fuhrer Bennett has stated and will not retract. Of the men and women behind bars 2003, 910,200 were black; 777,500 were white and 395,400 were Hispanic, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Maybe Heir Fuhrer is correct in his statement but just like all history that which is fact can be customized to suite the writer of history. Given these numbers, aborting all black babies, however "morally reprehensible" to suggest, could bring about the biggest reduction in the number of crimes that are committed in this country. The Bureau of Justice Statistics' figures represent only those who were jailed for a crime. But according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, more than twice as many whites as blacks (6.7 million to 2.6 million) were arrested in 2003 for committing a crime. Whites made up 70.6% of all people arrested that year and 60.5% of those arrested for violent crime. Blacks totaled 27.0% of all arrests and accounted for 37.2% of the people arrested for committing a violent crime. Truth, reality and history are something that rarely are combined.
Heir Fuhrer Bennett is
correct if history was incorrect because Hitler was a black person. Heir Fuhrer Bennett is correct if history was incorrect because Jim Jones was a black person. Heir Fuhrer Bennett is correct if history was incorrect because the Son of Sam, Charles Manson, Mark O. Barton, Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck.-- The Lonely Hearts Killers, David Berkowitz, Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka , Kenneth Bianchi & Angelo Buono, Ted Bundy and the list goes on, are all black. Heir Fuhrer Bennett is correct if history was incorrect because the corporate raiders who have stolen millions form the public are all black. Three percent of the population will be able to retire when they want, with who they want and how they want while ninety seven percent will retire depending on family, friends and the government to survive. For the majority the prospects are bleak. The politicians and those like Heir Fuhrer Bennett are among the three percent!
"It severely hurt people mentally as well as physically.... The real issue is not what happened, but what we should do for the future..."
Mr. Takashi Hiraoka, the Mayor of Hiroshima City
It is statements like this that not only chaps my hide but also lends me to befall assault. Conservative commentator William J. Bennett made this statement on his national radio talk show. I tend to have and maintain a great poker face when talking with people because of my conservative views. This poker face caused me great pain when I first heard of Heir Bennett’s’ statement. The first I heard of this statement came from my mother. Upon telling me of Heir Bennett’s’ statement she looked at me and asked what I think about it. Thus appeared my poker face. She then stated that I believed his statement. My poker face came from my disbelief that someone would state something like this and not retract is. "We are not going to back down from our views, and I'm not going to apologize," a combative Bennett said. The other reason for my poker face was that I didn’t know about it. I being an information junkie and one who listens to talk radio in the car rather than booming my radio to annoy the other drivers with loud music, I haven’t been feeding my info habit for a long time because the news has been so detrimental to my mental health since the hurricanes and the Iraq war. The last reason for my poker face was that I wanted to say things that would cause a gang banging, hard drinking, Hells Angel to blush. It is extremely hard for me to write this with using derogatory verbage. Most people how know me intimately knows I don’t use such language.
A conservative by definition is one who preserves an principle. I am not a conservative to conserve the principles of idiotic men or a certain political party. I want to preserve the Idea of the Constitution that all men are created equal. I want to preserve the Idea that working hard and not seeking hand outs to get what you want. I want to preserve the Ten Commandments and the moral basic truths of this world. Liberal by definition is one who thinks that everything is permissible or appropriate for a person of free birth,
thus sitting on fences to follow the sway of the populist. I was just recently asked to lower my standards as if having high expectations is too much for people today. I have been saying what Bill Cosby said years before he came out and stated: "People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around. ... The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. "Brown versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem. We have got to take the neighborhood back. ... They are standing on the corner and they can't speak English.," he said, addressing an audience of Washington VIPs
Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others.
Ambrose Bierce
I am a card carrying conservative because I do have basic moral values. I am not a card carrying Idiot. What is a political party? The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln, the man who freed the slaves. It is also the party of George Bush Jr. who has us in a war because of weapons of mass destruction, so he says. The Democratic Party is the party of Kennedy a wealthy man and the party of Clinton who now is seen holding hands with Bush Sr. making more money than he did as president.. It is also the party of Truman who dropped the WMD on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, speaking of WMD’s. Speaking of alliances look at Prime Minister Blair friend of Clinton went to bed with Bush Jr. and found himself in difficulty. Go to sleep with leeches and wake up drained. If it is true that we are a government of the people and by the people, I say parties be damn and we should vote the incumbents out until they realize we are suppose to be in control. Political Conservatives are liberally defending Heir Bennett’s statement by trying to qualify them. Bill O’Reilly stated “I feel sorry for Bennett” I am a card carrying conservative to preserve the values of this planet not to stride a fence to graze in the yard that has the greener grass today.
I’m not writing about me however, I’m writing to say if I believe what Heir Fuhrer Bennett has stated and will not retract. Of the men and women behind bars 2003, 910,200 were black; 777,500 were white and 395,400 were Hispanic, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Maybe Heir Fuhrer is correct in his statement but just like all history that which is fact can be customized to suite the writer of history. Given these numbers, aborting all black babies, however "morally reprehensible" to suggest, could bring about the biggest reduction in the number of crimes that are committed in this country. The Bureau of Justice Statistics' figures represent only those who were jailed for a crime. But according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, more than twice as many whites as blacks (6.7 million to 2.6 million) were arrested in 2003 for committing a crime. Whites made up 70.6% of all people arrested that year and 60.5% of those arrested for violent crime. Blacks totaled 27.0% of all arrests and accounted for 37.2% of the people arrested for committing a violent crime. Truth, reality and history are something that rarely are combined.
Heir Fuhrer Bennett is
correct if history was incorrect because Hitler was a black person. Heir Fuhrer Bennett is correct if history was incorrect because Jim Jones was a black person. Heir Fuhrer Bennett is correct if history was incorrect because the Son of Sam, Charles Manson, Mark O. Barton, Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck.-- The Lonely Hearts Killers, David Berkowitz, Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka , Kenneth Bianchi & Angelo Buono, Ted Bundy and the list goes on, are all black. Heir Fuhrer Bennett is correct if history was incorrect because the corporate raiders who have stolen millions form the public are all black. Three percent of the population will be able to retire when they want, with who they want and how they want while ninety seven percent will retire depending on family, friends and the government to survive. For the majority the prospects are bleak. The politicians and those like Heir Fuhrer Bennett are among the three percent!
"It severely hurt people mentally as well as physically.... The real issue is not what happened, but what we should do for the future..."
Mr. Takashi Hiraoka, the Mayor of Hiroshima City
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