Chasing Waterfalls

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My first intentions were to take a trip up the coast ot California and visit Sequoia National part to see and photograph the Giant Redwoods. During the planning process I decided to travel all the way up the coast to Canada. I had a wonderful time. The people were friendly and accommodating. The country side was beautiful and breathtaking. The ultimate beauty of Canada was the people and how they welcomed me.
Along the way up California I saw Mount Shasta which almost sits on the freeway. The splendor of the Mountain in the middle of July still with snow on the top of its 14,000 foot peek was breathtaking. Driving though the state of Oregon and seeing Mount Hood wiped out the splendor of Mount Shasta and diminished it ten fold. Yet I was not done. Next came Mount St. Helen which while I was there a small smoke puff caressed from inside its cavern. Then I saw Mount Rainer standing as a monument to the creator. I now know why men and women risk life and limb to climb mountains like Everest. Not because it’s there but because you can then know God is.
I had a wonderful trip and will certainly do it again. Pictures will never do justice in showing the wonders of the earth. You have to go and see for yourself. For every mountain there is a lease one great waterfall.
Don't go chasing waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and lakes that
You're used to
I know that you're gonna have it your way
Or nothing at all
But I think you're moving too fast
Dreams are hopeless aspirations
In hopes of comin' true
Believe in yourself
The rest is up to me and you