Location: United States

Thursday, October 30, 2008

How many people have lost their jobs?
According to Barack Obama, 600 thousand Americans have lost their jobs since January. Actually, he's mistken: something like 20 million Americans have lost their jobs since January. It's just that most of them found new jobs. Probably the new jobs generally weren't as good as the ones they lost. And almost certainly, more than 600 thousand of them were unable to find new jobs, because many of the new jobs created were filled by new entrants to the labor force or by people who were already unemployed when the year began.
The rate of joblessness made a 10-percent jump in May - rising from 5 percent unemployment to 5.5 percent unemployment. The half-point increase puts unemployment at one full point higher than it was a year ago.
Another 49,000 jobs were lost - raising the number of jobs lost as of June in 2008 to 324,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report .

There is an old joke among economists that states:
A recession is when your neighbor loses his job.
A depression is when you lose your job.

Definition of Depressions: A depression is a severe downturn in economic activity.

Recession: The Newspaper Definition
The standard newspaper definition of a recession is a decline in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for two or more consecutive quarters.
This definition is unpopular with most economists for two main reasons. First, this definition does not take into consideration changes in other variables. For example this definition ignores any changes in the unemployment rate or consumer confidence. Second, by using quarterly data this definition makes it difficult to pinpoint when a recession begins or ends. This means that a recession that lasts ten months or less may go undetected.
Recession: The BCDC Definition
The Business Cycle Dating Committee at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) provides a better way to find out if there is a recession is taking place. This committee determines the amount of business activity in the economy by looking at things like employment, industrial production, real income and wholesale-retail sales. They define a recession as the time when business activity has reached its peak and starts to fall until the time when business activity bottoms out. When the business activity starts to rise again it is called an expansionary period. By this definition, the average recession lasts about a year.

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No matter how you look at it. We are in a depression/recession and there is no joke about it. I would like to see a notional coming together to disregard the politicians bypass the government and allow the great people of the United States to help one another. We don’t need change but we do need for us to change. There is an old saying: “for things to get better, you have to get better!” “For things to change, you have to change!”

There is a conservative America. There is a liberal America. There is an ethnic America but the qualifying word is America. We have stood together for crises in the past from Perl Harbor and WWII to 911, from the San Francisco earthquake to Katrina. Across party lines, across religious lines and across color lines yes we can make a difference. Yes We Can stop regular folks from loosing their homes! Yes We Can help regular folks go to college! Yes We Can put regular folks back to work! Yes We Can do it ourselves and without leadership and government. Yes We Can!
Help me help others. Contact me if you want to join in to the Yes We Can movement.


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