Location: United States

Friday, March 11, 2016


Climate change is standing in the way of a healthy tomorrow for all of us.  No I am not talking about the robot know as Al Gore and the Total Current Assets of $6,473,704 of The Climate Reality Project.  Al Gore is a former senator, Vice President, and failed Presidential candidate.   Now as an environmental activist and entrepreneur who has a net worth of $300 million. The fleecing of America and the world in this version of climate change is no different from what I am talking about today. 

The 2016 latest set of contests in the respective races for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations has created a climate change in the political arena that will have deep repercussions that will negatively influence the future generations to come and result in horrendous immediate devastations.

  The presidential campaign of Chris Christie raised $8 million spending 91 percent of what it had raised.  The presidential campaign of Jeb Bush raised $33.4 million and allied super PACs and other independent groups raised $124.1 million, spending 92 percent of what it had raised.  The presidential campaign of Ben Carson raised $57.8 million and allied super PACs and other independent groups raised $12.3 million, spending 93 percent of what it has raised.  $235.6 million spent on loosing efforts.  The cost of buying the presidency skyrockets as you add the $523.9 million as of February 2016 still in process by both parties.   Democrats: $242.8 million, and Republicans: $554.9 million through February 2016.  By election in November the cost to buy the White House will be astronomical.

Verily I say unto you that it is not the presidency that is being bought and it is not the white house that is being bought.  What is being purchased is the control over the mindset and livestocking of the American people.  Super PACs and other independent groups are suppling the funding to place their choice into office not to provide equitable financing for all who chose to take on the job of leader of the free world. 

It has always been a dirty secret of which everyone knew that campaigns are bursting with dirty back door smoke filled machines controlling the process. The climate change is that this year We the People are speaking out and the super PACs and other independent groups are trying to thrust balls into our mouths.  They are bankrolling against free thought and insulting the voters who use free thought.  Both parties are equally guilty.  Super PACs and other independent groups along the Democratic Party is force feeding us Hillary Clinton though the people are mot making her life easy with their support of Bernie Sanders.  Ms. Clinton whose past remarks on NAFTA was of support now she has changed her tune, from once speaking favorably about it to now saying the agreement needs "fixing."  NAFTA took jobs from Americans.  She admitted her much-criticized support of a 1994 crime bill that influenced a rise in mass incarceration was a "mistake." As African Americans short memories support her in great numbers both NAFTA and the 1994 crime bill directly affect their freedom and income.  Clinton campaign continues to benefit handsomely from the fundraising assistance of some closely connected to the private prison business.  Another of the legacy of her and her husband.  Not to mention her escape from prison for doing the exact same thing that Martha Stewart went to jail for.  She may also escape prison for her emails as well.  The Democratic National Committee (DNC) with its disregard to the voters awarded Clinton more delegates than Bernie Sanders in his win in the Michigan primary???????????

Super PACs and other independent groups along the Republican Party spent and continue to spend this election cycle millions of dollars and are bankrolling against free thought and insulting the voters who use free thought.  As the people’s choice leader of the party, Donald Trump wins primaries and caucuses across the country the Republican leadership who cannot control this candidate heaved money at everyone they could and couldn’t derail him. Though the people are making their fee choice, the people who feel they can control our mindsets continue to treat him with vile and rancorous attacks.  For a moment I could have mistaken him for President Obama. 

Against Ted Cruz, not being a favorite sun of the Republican base and second in the people’s choice does not receive any support as the favorite son of the Republican base Marco Rubio is force fed to the voting public and the bantam Rubio is missing in action in the early primaries and caucuses.  Every way the Republican base attempted to force their nominee upon us they fail.  The climate has changed for the Republican base and may change how the process is done going forward.

I would be remiss if I were to attack the DNC people’s choice leader without addressing the GOP front runner even if he is not the choice of the party.  Donald Trump has a great web page outlining his policies.  However just like any successful business manager he must have had someone else create his policies and he signed off on them.  This may not be a bad way of governing because businesses have been very successful in achieving high profits and powerful dominance in their arenas with this method however the CEO’s may not be fully versed in the narratives of the policies and particulars of all aspects of the company’s portfolio.   This is why Trump seems to be back and forth on his policies.  He is not a Washington insider and not political savvy and again this may not be a bad thing.  The question is do we want to take that chance on safety and welfare of this country on this trial.

It is imperative for each American to realize what we have here to defend and preserve!  Different sets of great, or significant, powers have existed throughout history. America is the FIRST to exist with the Constitution and Bill of Rights for its people.  Prior to America there were Kings, Rulers, Dictators, Czars, and assorted ruling classes which disregarded, disgraced and terrorized it populations.  The framers of our Constitution laying the foundation to our greatness gave this country to tools and policies to be the world leader we have been.   

Like the Constitution is not a perfect document, this great county was not the first to end slavery of African people but it is the first nation to elect a person of African ancestry as leader of the free world!  America was the first nation to use a weapon of mass destruction with the dropping of the bomb on Japan but this great country has aided its allies with its military power to keep individual freedom and the protection of individual liberty and justice throughout the world.

North Korea has a large stockpile of short-range missiles and is developing long-range and intercontinental missiles as well.  China has built airstrips, ports, radar facilities, solar arrays, lighthouses and support buildings on the islands in the South China Sea.  Iran insists its missile tests do not violate nuclear deal.  Christians face being wiped out from the Middle East within TEN YEARS as they are killed by ISIS or forced to flee persecution. 

Super PACs and other independent groups both within the GOP and the DNC are bankrolling against free thought and insulting the voters who use free thought.  Who is addressing our safety?  As the debates trivialize the process of choosing a president by talking about size of hands.  Who is addressing constitutional issues of individual freedom and the protection of individual liberty and justice throughout the world?  The climate is changing and another 911 event will happen soon!  There is soft dialogue on the borders as we all need to say yo quiero taco bell, yo quiero burger king and yo quiero KFC at the drive thru today to place your order.  Jobs are leaving the country and low in job are going to immigrants. Wage depression is a chronic complaint critics have about the H-1B program: some studies have found that H-1B workers are paid significantly less than U.S. workers thus putting high tech jobs out or reach to Americans.  H-2B, brings in mostly workers from Mexico. Mexicans made up more than 80 percent of the 104,993 admissions to the United States on H-2B visas in 2013 taking low end jobs from Americans.

I have not head one candidate with an impressive and firm plan to protect our individual liberties, our safety, our Constitution or our jobs!


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