More About Fat

Pathological Placebos©
When is a diet pill worth $159.00? Well I say NEVER! I am wondering if you have seen the Television commercial that asks that pathetic question. The Pathetic part of that question is that there will be millions who will shuffle hard earned money to buy this expensive ravage. I look at the multibillion dollar industry of diet and fat burning pills and supplements and see only peddlers pandering pathological placebos preying profusely plundering people’s principal promptly.
The whole diet and health industry is running amok with lies and deceptions. Granted there is a huge problem in America with the waist lines of the country widening but there needs to be truth told about the reasons and cures. Unfortunately money is controlling the bottom line of the entire health and wellness of us.
Take body mass index or BMI. This is the

in scientific calculation of a person’s state of obesity. I suffer form a mild case of stomachitis, which means that my stomach is bigger than I would like it to be.
I have suffered in the past three years of being overweight. And just what is overweight? I look at someone as Terrell Owens whose Position: is as a Wide Receiver in the NFL his stature measures Height: 6-3 Weight: 226lbs. This would make Terrell having a BMI of 28.2 putting him overweight and 1.8 points away from obesity.
This proves my point about the industry running amok. I can understand those who want to extort money from our pockets by selling us their latest pathological placebo but I had to understand the reason for the health community to come up with such a thrashing tool that is obviously a façade, and I see that their reason is to extort money from the government, which means us, for grant money to find that elusive FAT GENE. The bottom line comes back to money and not our health.
To say that Terrell Owens, who can outrun mostly all defensive backs in the NFL, is overweight and near obesity is a laughter at best. To be fair as in everything there is an industry answer to this yarn. Two people can have the same BMI, but a different percent body fat. A bodybuilder with a large muscle mass and a low percent body fat may have the same BMI as a person who has more body fat because BMI is calculated using weight and height only. Just as small as the last print is reflect the hidden truths that we are not told about BMI. As you are being thrashed by your health care professional about being overweight and having a high BMI, they fail to tell you that; Two people can have the same BMI, but a different percent body fat. A bodybuilder with a large muscle mass and a low percent body fat may have the same BMI as a person who has more body fat because BMI is calculated using weight and height only. It’s all in the small print.
Most of the diet pills and fat burners also come with the same print which is not stated enough or stressed enough. Use in conjunction with a healthy diet plan and plenty of exercise. The disclaimers in the pills are all you really need to follow and stop spending money on the pills. “Use in conjunction with a healthy diet plan and plenty of exercise.”
I have a program that will take the weight off and keep it off while still eating what you want. In the three years of fighting my weight I too was duped by the claims of the pills and was ruled by the health industries standards. I have developed a program that works without starvation, alienation of favorite foods or killing myself with running my brains off.