They Sayers

They Sayers
You know they say: “A lot of times people look at the negative side of what they feel they can't do. I always look on the positive side of what I can do.” Well it was not the phantom THEY that said that but Chuck Norris. Unlike the “they Sayers” in the world I don’t usually quote something or someone without knowing where it can be found. Also unlike the “they Sayers,” I don’t quote something that would be conflicting or potentially harmful to someone else. We all know and have “They Sayers” in our lives. These folks are the ones who like to put a monkey wrench into your life by breaking down your dreams or trying to disrupt your life because you may be doing something beyond the thinking of those around you. You may be improving your outlook, your health or your career and those around you are feeling inferior, or falling behind you. These people my only have a concrete vision of who you use to be and refuse to see who you are today. These people tend to resist change and will tell you that you have changed as if that is something bad. Their lack of change show lack of growth and their stagnate minds refuses to expand beyond their microcosm of vision.
These people have such little regards for themselves that it becomes important to reach out as a venomous cobra to inflect their poison into you. It is often their way of not being accountable for the venom that is spat from their dried up, small minded, self satisfying lips by saying You Know They Say…

You know they say: if you read a lot of books your sight will gradually be eradicated by cancer! Often the word cancer has to come into play as to make is more authentic. Of course this statement comes from someone who refuses to purchase a book for entertainment but rather vegetate in front of a Television all day.
You know they say: too much exercise is bad for your heart. Why just look at the guy that wrote that running book, he’s dead. Of course this comes from someone whose hips are spreading beyond their chair and wishes to use the death of one person to allow them to stay sedentary and slumped in a couch somewhere.
You know they say: a guy was washing his car and cut himself on the bumper and died of chrome poisoning. Said to someone who likes to was their car.
You know they say: too much pizza will clog you intestines with the cheese and you will die of congestion poisoning. Said to someone who eats a great deal of pizza.
These are examples of the many silly and unfounded “They Say” quotes we hear everyday. Just ask any one of the They Sayers in you life to tell you where it comes from you will hear the completely ridiculous responses like on the news yesterday, but these folks can’t tell you which news. Or they will tell you they read it somewhere but can’t tell you where it can be found.
Unfortunately They Sayers often are those very close to you. If some of these negative folks are your family members that you see and interact with regularly, then you probably can’t avoid them completely. So whenever they say to you, “You can’t do that,” or another similar statement, like the They Say quote, affirm to yourself within your mind and don’t contradict them. In this case a closed mouth gathers no reason for further disgrace. Don’t allow yourself to be put in the position of defending someone else’s version of the truth. The most draining and damaging obstacles we all must overcome are those people close to us. Many people fail because of the people around them killing their hopes and dreams with venomous and destructive diatribe used as fact.
You know they say: “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” They Sayers tend to be know is alls as they try to conflict with you and your ideas and dreams. But to avoid being responsible for their words, they always place the responsibility on the invisible, phantoms known as THEY. By the way the person who made that last statement is Isaac Asimov a Russian-born American author and biochemist. As I stated prior when I quote someone I can direct you where it comes from.

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