Remember the Past

Remember the Past

Before Arnold After Arnold

Sitting and watching the talking heads on CNN and Fox news before the beginning of the network news started in on their election propaganda, I was getting very angry to hear what I am suppose to be concerned with. Just like everything else they report, they got that wrong as well.
I am supposed to be concerned with corruption in government. Wrong, I am concerned with the corruption with the price of gas as the CEO’s earn $40,000 a day and I pay through my noise draining my bank account to fill up my vehicle. At lease I have a bank account where most of my fellow Americans can’t keep one open because most of us live from paycheck to paycheck.
I am supposed to be concerned with the war in Iraq. Wrong, granted I am angry that the President has cause my fellow citizens to go into Iraq to loose arms, eyesight and their lives for a cause that at best was to make Daddy’s vendetta fulfilled.
I am more concerned that when I have a problem with my cable system or my internet or even my medical bill I have to talk with someone named “Joe,” right, in India. Outsourcing is causing a war in my neighborhood as the poor is poorer because there are no jobs as our country sells off its potential by sending our jobs overseas. It is becoming more dangerous in my neighborhood as crime is increasing.
I am supposed to be mad at President Bush but it was President Clinton who signed the NAFTA which was the beginning of the end of employment in America for regular folks. So when a Hindu voice named Joe is on the other end of my phone I say Thank you Clinton!

Results based on a phone survey of 1,014 adult Americans conducted October 27 through October 29, 2006, by Opinion Research Corporation, with a sampling error of +/-3% points. I don’t know which 1,014 of the thirty million illegal aliens in this country they asked the questions to, but their answers obviously does not reflect what concerns most of the legal Americans in this country.
My major concern is the way I must learn to speak Spanish to continue to live, eat and work within my own country. I must learn to read Spanish as Sa Habla español is written on every sign and every other billboard is in Spanish.
But that is not the worst of it. My / Our country is up for sale and We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty, to ourselves and our posterity, have sold our inheritance and our children’s future with the silent response and ill responsible choices.

Remember when Germany was infected with a Austrian who was good at manipulating the minds of the general public and mobilizing people to mindless obedience. Hail mien Fuhrer Schwarzenegger who has come into this country and subtly infected one of the greatest and admired families in this country and I am sure this was not by design. Gained office and with little objection and is working on legislation of becoming President.
Just look at Maria before Arnold and see her since. You will see California in years to come and the rest of the country. Thirty million illegalness and growing, Japanese holding in the gross national product, Outsourcing and NAFTA draining our job prospects, and foreign domestic government sucking the life out of American recourses.
God Bless America, God Help Us Americans

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