VOTE 2008, What are we voting for!
Seven days to go and a monumental historic global event will occur. In the election of 2008 no matter which party is elected, Americans will make a choice that will effect our coming of age in this progressive diverse world. We will cease to appear a nation of antiquated Euro-male dominated stagnation.
If Barack Obama is elected President he will become the First Black Man to achieve the highest office of the free world and of a nation that is not predominant black. I use the word Black Man because there are whites from South Africa born and raised who can come to America and can claim themselves African American. Britain technically abolished slavery in 1807, after the Haiti experience - and replaced slavery with indentured labour. Finally, further rebellions in Barbados (1816), Demerra (1823) and Jamaica (1831-32) forced the British hand. Freedom to British slaves came finally in 1833 after the British Government passed yet another law, to outlaw slavery, Slavery Abolition Act in 1833 - and paid ‘compensation’ to slave owners. An egregious and glaring example was the ‘compensation’ to the Bishop of Exeter and his partners of GBP12,700 to ‘compensate’ them for the ‘loss’ of 665 slaves in 1833. Thirty years before America issued the Emancipation Proclamation by US President Abraham Lincoln, and thirty two years before Ratification of thirteenth amendment completed, and Great Britain has not yet given the Black Man credence by electing a Black Prime Minister.
If John McCain is elected President with Sara Paling on the ticket as Vice President a different wall of the antiquated Euro-male dominated stagnation will fall. It was not until 1928 the United Kingdom with the Representation of the People Act 1928 that women were granted the right to vote on the same terms as men. on August 26, 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution became law, and women could vote in the fall elections, including in the Presidential election. America was the for runner in this matter and yet Great Britain was first to elect a woman as Prime minister before America, and Sara, contrary to popular belief is not running for President but the second highest position in the land. Still her chance in office will be historically momentous and good ol’ boy ground braking.
Here is my greatest disdain. Which ever turkey will replace the lame duck in office, I feel America will loose and get something fowl. I can’t help to feel as I watch the campaigns and watch the actions of the candidates and the reactions of the constituents, I’m reminded of many ugly comparisons of which I refuse to divulge for not wanting to instigate any more fear. I am bothered by a charismatic motivator that creates blinded devotion of near worship and I am bothered by a condescending aggressor who promotes and inspires blind devotion of rage. For me God is my hero, only God is my better and only God, Yeshua, Yahweh, Buddah, Krishna, Aten, Allah, what ever you find the name of the almighty, only there is where you find answers and reward. There and only there is where you should place honor and praise!
I am bothered by the feeling government is about to not only be camped on my doorstep but will show up at my dinner table, in my kitchen, bathroom and will infiltrate my work rest and play. I am bothered that at the end of the day the John and Jane Doe’s , the Shawnque’s and Shanana’s, the Rain Clouds and the Red Clouds, or even the Jim Bob’s and Bobby Jean’s will be worse off for the intrusion of more government.
As a strong and proud Conservative but not a devoted party hack I do know where my vote will go. People always talk of the lessor of two evils. Why must we always chose an evil for the lessor of two evils is still evil. That being said, I do whole heartily regret voting in this election and fear what future elections will bring, if there are future elections. My generation of the baby boomers is now getting into office of leadership. Starting with Clinton to Bush Jr., we have such a bleak future with this generation in office and heaven help us for the generation behind us. Capitalism, Democracy, and Freedom is in jeopardy. NAFTA stole American jobs, The Patriot Act steals our freedoms, selling secretes to China has forward their Communist rise to power as we increase their economy and line their pockets and sell away our country. Vendetta wars and approved and condoned torture, this has taken away our creditability and humanity, just what I ask is be loss next?
A fellow coworker, being funny, stated that: “I too can walk on water, . . .just freeze it!” What happens from this statement is one group hears the first part, “I too can walk on water,” and that group chooses to believe that because they need to or are forced to by slanted alliances to the group. Another group hears the first part, “I too can walk on water,” and they are insulted by the blasphemous arrogance of the thought and desire to expire the speaker.
The first group finally hears the second part “just freeze it!’” but refuse to acknowledge the levity of the message and holds true to the notion that he can walk on water. Conversely the second group finally hears the second part, “just freeze it!” but refuse to acknowledge the levity and enforces the belief of heresy and blasphemer deserving Crucifixion.
I bring that analogy up because I feel this election is based on this premise and still we don’t hear we don’t see and we will loose.
If Barack Obama is elected President he will become the First Black Man to achieve the highest office of the free world and of a nation that is not predominant black. I use the word Black Man because there are whites from South Africa born and raised who can come to America and can claim themselves African American. Britain technically abolished slavery in 1807, after the Haiti experience - and replaced slavery with indentured labour. Finally, further rebellions in Barbados (1816), Demerra (1823) and Jamaica (1831-32) forced the British hand. Freedom to British slaves came finally in 1833 after the British Government passed yet another law, to outlaw slavery, Slavery Abolition Act in 1833 - and paid ‘compensation’ to slave owners. An egregious and glaring example was the ‘compensation’ to the Bishop of Exeter and his partners of GBP12,700 to ‘compensate’ them for the ‘loss’ of 665 slaves in 1833. Thirty years before America issued the Emancipation Proclamation by US President Abraham Lincoln, and thirty two years before Ratification of thirteenth amendment completed, and Great Britain has not yet given the Black Man credence by electing a Black Prime Minister.
If John McCain is elected President with Sara Paling on the ticket as Vice President a different wall of the antiquated Euro-male dominated stagnation will fall. It was not until 1928 the United Kingdom with the Representation of the People Act 1928 that women were granted the right to vote on the same terms as men. on August 26, 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution became law, and women could vote in the fall elections, including in the Presidential election. America was the for runner in this matter and yet Great Britain was first to elect a woman as Prime minister before America, and Sara, contrary to popular belief is not running for President but the second highest position in the land. Still her chance in office will be historically momentous and good ol’ boy ground braking.
Here is my greatest disdain. Which ever turkey will replace the lame duck in office, I feel America will loose and get something fowl. I can’t help to feel as I watch the campaigns and watch the actions of the candidates and the reactions of the constituents, I’m reminded of many ugly comparisons of which I refuse to divulge for not wanting to instigate any more fear. I am bothered by a charismatic motivator that creates blinded devotion of near worship and I am bothered by a condescending aggressor who promotes and inspires blind devotion of rage. For me God is my hero, only God is my better and only God, Yeshua, Yahweh, Buddah, Krishna, Aten, Allah, what ever you find the name of the almighty, only there is where you find answers and reward. There and only there is where you should place honor and praise!
I am bothered by the feeling government is about to not only be camped on my doorstep but will show up at my dinner table, in my kitchen, bathroom and will infiltrate my work rest and play. I am bothered that at the end of the day the John and Jane Doe’s , the Shawnque’s and Shanana’s, the Rain Clouds and the Red Clouds, or even the Jim Bob’s and Bobby Jean’s will be worse off for the intrusion of more government.
As a strong and proud Conservative but not a devoted party hack I do know where my vote will go. People always talk of the lessor of two evils. Why must we always chose an evil for the lessor of two evils is still evil. That being said, I do whole heartily regret voting in this election and fear what future elections will bring, if there are future elections. My generation of the baby boomers is now getting into office of leadership. Starting with Clinton to Bush Jr., we have such a bleak future with this generation in office and heaven help us for the generation behind us. Capitalism, Democracy, and Freedom is in jeopardy. NAFTA stole American jobs, The Patriot Act steals our freedoms, selling secretes to China has forward their Communist rise to power as we increase their economy and line their pockets and sell away our country. Vendetta wars and approved and condoned torture, this has taken away our creditability and humanity, just what I ask is be loss next?
A fellow coworker, being funny, stated that: “I too can walk on water, . . .just freeze it!” What happens from this statement is one group hears the first part, “I too can walk on water,” and that group chooses to believe that because they need to or are forced to by slanted alliances to the group. Another group hears the first part, “I too can walk on water,” and they are insulted by the blasphemous arrogance of the thought and desire to expire the speaker.
The first group finally hears the second part “just freeze it!’” but refuse to acknowledge the levity of the message and holds true to the notion that he can walk on water. Conversely the second group finally hears the second part, “just freeze it!” but refuse to acknowledge the levity and enforces the belief of heresy and blasphemer deserving Crucifixion.
I bring that analogy up because I feel this election is based on this premise and still we don’t hear we don’t see and we will loose.

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