Let Them All Fail
Capitalism is the economic system in which the means of production are controlled by the private sector rather than by government. A capitalist political system protects the exchange and distribution of capital between openly competing profit-seeking legal or private persons and where investments, distribution, income, production and pricing of goods and services are predominantly determined through the operation of a market economy in which anyone can participate in supply and demand and form contracts with anyone else, rather than by central economic planning. Capitalism is originally defined as a mode of production, where it is characterized by the predominant private ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange in a mainly market economy. Capitalism is usually considered to involve the right of individuals and businesses to trade, incorporate, and employ workers, in goods, services (including finance), labor and land. In modern "capitalist states", legislative action is confined to defining and enforcing the basic rules of the market though the state may provide a few basic public goods and infrastructure.
Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society. Modern socialism originated in the late nineteenth-century working class political movement. Karl Marx posited that socialism would be achieved via class struggle and a proletarian revolution which represents the transitional stage between capitalism and communism.
According to Wikipedia’s definitions we are moving from a Capitalist society to a Socialist country. I am concerned about all the talk and request to bail out business by the government. I work in an industry that is greatly hurt by the present economic crisis. I am watching the Grim Reaper coming through each day using termination slips as his scythe. Twenty year employees are being cut mealy for there commitment to their company and being long term. The down side to their continued loyalty is that they make too much. Last hired, first fired no longer is the way to reduce the workforce now, its how much do you cost the company. I watch at work and I am reminded of the cloud of death that went through to town in the Ten Commandments. I don’t know if lambs blood would stay the Reapers scythe.
I have fellow coworkers who own homes by which has devalued by more than three hundred thousand dollars and are struggling to maintain payments on homes they no longer want to pay for because of negative equity. As jobs are falling by the ax of this depression those lucky, if luck is a misfortune or a blessing, to still be working has to work more hours and perform more tasks to make up for those who passed on. Of course there in no additional pay for the longer hours and the greater responsibilities. People are thus kept from there overvalued homes for working from sun up to sun down and helplessness grows by the day.
The 700 billion dollar bail out was to buy sub prime loans and free up housing and banking. To date, that money and much more, is going elsewhere. We were told that if the bill wasn’t passed, the world economy would collapse and the whole world would come to an end and Satan himself would rise from the frost of hell. We are looking at 3.5 trillion dollars so far in government bailouts and government control of private businesses. Businesses that failed dew to poor practices and mismanagement of assets and the great government swoop in and create more mismanagement which brings request for more bailout monies. We are looking at government printing money to give entitlements to negligence and laziness in business. Does this not sound like welfare? This too has failed!
Failure is not an option, it’s the only option!
Don't Be Afraid To Fail
You've failed many times,
although you may not remember.
You fell down the first time
you tried to walk.
You almost drowned the first time
you tried to swim, didn't you?
Did you hit the ball the first time
you swung a bat?
Heavy hitters,
the ones who hit the most home runs,
also strike out a lot.
R.H. Macy failed seven times
before his store in
English novelist John Creasy
753 rejection slips
before he published
564 books.
Babe Ruth struck out
1,330 times,
but he also hit
714 home runs.
Don't worry about failure.
Worry about the chances you miss
when you don't even try.
Author unknown
Failure is not an option, it’s the only option! It was jokingly bantered around during the Bailout hearings and subsequent vote, the government should just give every adult American a million dollars and that would stimulate the economy. Now as the government creates trillion of dollars in debt to bailout failing companies and industries, I can’t help to think Stalin, Carl Marx, and even Adolph, are smiling down there as Hell Is Freezing Over watching us turn into that which we fought against.
The idea of giving every American a million dollars turns out not only a great idea but if each American received two million the government would have saved money! American Express, General Motors, Ford, and who knows who ever else are asking for government to bail them out of poor management assessments? I say let them fail. AGI already bailed out and seeking more as they raise millions for end of year bonuses! I say let them fail. The Reaper has been let loose already. The end of this carnage has yet to be realized. Let Them All Fail!
If giving aid to the regular Americans is not the goal. If reducing overpriced homes and adjusting mortgages accordingly is not the goal. If securing jobs in
I am afraid of my country becoming the USSA-United Socialist States of control the private sector, we will see a socialist state. Wal-Mart isn’t failing,
There will be over a million unemployed by years end but the numbers will not be announced. There is a depression and those numbers are being kept from you based on juggling numbers or juggling semantics. People are loosing jobs prior to the holidays. People are loosing their homes prior to the holidays. What does our government want to do! Give welfare to businesses. I assure you this will not save jobs or homes. I am scared and the only answers I see is let them all fail and give no more welfare.