Trump and Biblical History
this country is experiencing a moment of momentous pronouncement, there is a precedence
from history that comes to light. Someone
dear to me likes to state, “This country is still in its infancy, it needs to decide
what is wants to be when it grows up.” There
are several different opinions of the Constitution raging from debating the humanity
of the founding fathers to the times of which the Constitution was written
Media Entertainment is no stranger to controversy. Our video “Climate Change of our Liberties
and Freedoms,” talks of the attack on the Constitution. Since the first Baby Boomer took office, a
hatchet has been turned against the document and turned against our freedoms
and liberties. Today we face the Boomers
in 116th Congress. This congress has taken
the hatchet and is chopping hard on the Constitution and our freedoms and liberties.
Boomers are over half of the 116th
Congress and the power-driven hatchet yielders have traded the hatchet to chainsaws
and are deforesting the Constitution as if it was the Rain forest and with no
regards to the future effects.
4 million jobs created since election.
Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since Trump’s election.
jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
is the short list of President Trumps accomplishment since taking office and
the 116th wants his head. Those who harbor contempt for the man will
not believe he is responsible for these accomplishments. Those who find the man as great only see his
accomplishments. I am personally a Constitutionalist
and I no dog in this odium fight. I concern
myself with our freedoms and Liberties. To
my amaze my better half of whom was quoted prior about what America wants to be
when it grows up, said to me one day, how is was a great thing for Trump to have
would be considered a never Trump’er or outright dislike him. For her to say this was something that caught
my attention. Now she didn’t mean he was a great president, nor was she acknowledging
his good deeds. She was pointing out the
ugliness that has come to light. She is
very much correct. She sees from the viewpoint
of a woman a #metoo thinker the ugliness she sees is different from my vision.
That said, I see a commonality with
Trump with some less than perfect leaders in history. It been said that Trump is a "Master
Wizard" using hypnosis on us. As one of "us." President Trump reminds me of the life of King
Saul, King David and King Solomon and Moses, as described in the Bible. These
men were idolized by many, had gifts and talents, plus they were blessed. King Saul was bestowed to be leader. Saul
forgot the source of his ability and committed the same crime of being human as
Adam and Eve and didn’t take responsibility for his actions rather to pass it
off as being not his fault or blaming others. King David, great leader and
fighter, broke the commandments against adultery and murder and had a great
fall. King Solomon was the one who was
allowed to build the first great temple in Jerusalem and fell to the charms of 700
pagan wives and 300 concubines, who corrupted everything he did. His fall
caused Israel to be broken in two.
Moses was denied seeing the promise land as his ego overwhelmed his
faith and responsibility to God.
has already accomplished things that will place him in history as doing
wonderful things. He is not a Perfect
man, he is guilty of being an obnoxious pride filled man. He does not follow standard traditional processes. We have yet to see high crimes and misdemeanors.
Hopefully we all can see the ugliness as
it is and with respect to the constitution and our freedoms and liberties. We must not allow our constitution to fail!