Pride Soaring

Location: United States

Saturday, September 24, 2005

What's Next?

     Our grandmothers and our grandmothers’ grandmothers have warned us of the end of the world as we know it. Thoughts of fire and brimstone and the second coming has been drilled into our heads until we now think the idea is foolish as we have become numb to the belief. Prince the artist known as Prince wrote in his song 1999, “two thousand zero zero party over oops out of time.” Y2K was the last strike of fear as the visions of Armageddon came back into our thoughts
      Global warming is a theory that constantly comes into play when weather strikes a unique blow to the welfare of the human population. If global warming is a reality or not the truth is that the earth has gone through many metamorphoses in the past from a single continent to three known extinctions to floods and ice ages. One definition for insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I say there is another definition for insanity which is expecting the world to stay the same and continue to be depleted and expecting it not to change.
     "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea." This is the passage from the bible which has all in fear of the end of days. The Mayan people who build great pyramids along the same time of the Egyptian pyramids along with other pyramids on the planet, ended their calendar in the year of 2012. The date December 21st, 2012 A.D., represents an extremely close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun), what that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been coming to resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution at exactly 11:11 am GMT. Many feel this is their way of saying it’s the end of the world while other feel the Mayan people were reflecting the change of life as we know it.
     Insanity is to think of the end when we are having so much fun? There are some basic truths we must come to terms with. Natural disasters will happen as we have been surprised with the tsunami in Asia and the twin hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico we will see more events to challenge our thinking. Growth of the new lava dome inside the crater of Mount St. Helens continued during 14-19 September 2005, accompanied by low rates of seismicity, low emissions of steam and volcanic gases, and minor production of ash. There were no significant changes in seismicity or deformation during the report period. Camera images showed that the northern part of the lava dome continued to move westward. St Helens remained at Volcano Advisory (Alert Level 2); aviation color code Orange. Not if but when it goes again we will be surprised. Mount Rainer in Washington State a beautiful snowcap wonder has a rage below its surface. Super Volcano Will Challenge Civilization, Geologists Warn about Yellowstone. Scattered across the world’s oceans are a handful of rare geological time-bombs. Once unleashed they create an extraordinary phenomenon, a gigantic tidal wave, far bigger than any normal tsunami, able to cross oceans and ravage countries on the other side of the world. Only recently have scientists realized the next episode is likely to begin at the Canary Islands, off North Africa, where a wall of water will one day be created which will race across the entire Atlantic ocean at the speed of a jet airliner to devastate the east coast of the United States. America will have been struck by a mega-tsunami. What happened in Asia was small in comparison to what will happen from a mega-tsunami. The numbers of earthquakes worldwide from 200-2005 are increasing based on the study by the US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center. Politicians state we have hundreds maybe thousands of years before the earth strikes back?
     Insanity to believe we are facing global changes when we have so much. Incurable diseases are on the rise. We once had the plague which was brought to us by rats or as lease the fleas on the rats. Our great scientist found the cure. We had Yellow fever brought to us by the mosquitoes and our great scientist found a cure for that. We have injected many foreign chemicals into our delicate systems that we are metamorphous zing our chemistry to reject diseases. In Indonesia scientist says bird flu outbreak an epidemic. Officials warn of catastrophic flu pandemic Estimates of 'tens of millions' dead if virus mutates as feared. The USDA finds one thousand violations of mad cow rules as we through another ton of beef on the barbe. According to an update by the SiChuan Ministry of, as of 12pm 26th July 2005, 117 cases have been reported in the Pigs-to-Human "Streptococcus" outbreak. This is a cumulative figure. Of these, 5 have been confirmed via laboratory tests, 71 clinically diagnosed and 41 suspected. Of these 117 cases, 5 have been discharged, 21 still remain in critical condition and 24 have died. We have been feeding our cattle and chicken waste from the leftovers from the slaughter house. How many people contracted SARS worldwide during the 2003 outbreak? How many people died of SARS worldwide? During November 2002 through July 2003, a total of 8,098 people worldwide became sick with severe acute respiratory syndrome that was accompanied by either pneumonia or respiratory distress syndrome (probable cases), according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Of these, 774 died. By late July 2003, no new cases were being reported, and WHO declared the global outbreak to be over? Our great minds will find a cure to inject into our bodies to cure the continued new and deadly diseases. Experts: Tuberculosis poses global threat. More than 9 million people worldwide will contract tuberculosis this year in 2005 and 2 million will die from the bacteria-caused disease. To raise awareness, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a special theme issue on the disease this week We can’t forget HIV-AIDS, the gay disease as the religious right would have you believe. Funny how a Catholic Priest in Africa passed on the theory that to rid ones self of aids one has to have sex with a virgin. Thus many of little girls are being raped with the thinking that is the cure. Also those religious divinities on the right must think that lesbians are the chosen people because they are the lowest groups contracting the disease. I won’t get into conspiracy theories and there are many dealing with all that I have discussed to this point.
     Insanity to fear diseases when we have the greatest minds working on the cure. Genetic Armageddon by Stephen Quayle talks of the great minds and their great scientific gains. In the movie Jurassic Park the statement: “because we can doesn’t mean we should,” is a valuable lesson tool. BRITISH scientists have been given permission to create human embryos that will have three genetic parents. Dr. Stuart A. Newman, a professor of cell biology and anatomy at New York Medical College, applied for a patent on a humanzee, a hypothetical creature that would be half-human and half-chimpanzee. After much delay, his application was rejected by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. In truth, Newman now says, he was only trying to make the point that we have not thought long enough — or well enough — about the biotech future that quickly is becoming our present reality. Scientist called “synthetic biologists'' and they boldly claim the ability to make never-before-seen living things, one genetic molecule at a time. The inability to keep a secret is human nature as well as being careless with our waste is also human nature. Just look at the streets as you walk and see the cigarette butts, the cans and the oceans of trash. What are these great minds releasing into our existence?
     ROAD rage is a growing menace in central Victoria, Australia with many motorists trying to defend their often dangerous outbursts. Forty-six per cent of central Victorian drivers admit they have gestured rudely or yelled at another motorist, and of those 89 per cent believe their response was justified. Published in Australia news September 2005. October 31, 1999, Valley is becoming home for 'road rage' Threat of violence getting worse on local highways. Published in Las Vegas Sun. As if we hadn't heard enough about road rage, we now face a new hazard from operators who lose their cool -- boat rage and desk rage and checkout rage. Teacher complaining of 'parent rage' at schools also cases of reported air rage are increasing at astonishing rate in frequency and in violence. In several recent incidents passengers have done everything from defecating on food carts, hitting crew members. Where is all this rage stemming from? Is it from the realization that the idea of middle class is an oxymoron as those who are not poor finds that they are working from paycheck to paycheck treading water and barely staying afloat from the inevitable drowning? As reality TV and court TV and talk shows parade a plethora of fringe sociopaths who entertain us with their rage and sorrow so we can feel superior to them. We have traded in the Circus Clown in for this form of entertainment. The governments of the world rage war for reasons hidden to the people they serve and hidden to the soldiers dieing. Nuclear rage isn’t far behind?
     Is the end upon us? I remember in the early seventies I looked at the world and thought it could not get any worse and it did. I look at us today with the knowing that it is going to get worse. When talking of social injustice and creature dilapidation we are excelling in this area. When considering global change and calamity there surely is evidence of this as well. With clock-like regularity, sudden reversals and pole shifts are natural to the Earth. The result is worldwide destruction, and is supported by paleo-magnetic evidence and early manuscripts. The finding of flash frozen mastodons with undigested grass in their stomachs gives cause of instant change. Polar reversals can be calculated precisely on the basis of the sunspot cycle theory or the magnetic field theory, which the Maya and the Old Egyptians were privy to. It is well know that the dinosaur was laid extinct but we have to realize there has been other extinction as well. In other forms mankind has become extinct. Weather the Mayan disappearance to the extinction of the Neanderthal, Homo habilis: The first human species gone, Homo erectus: The first large-brained humans gone, human extinction will happen again. But every now and then, the magnetic field fades, and flips over. North becomes south, and south becomes north. Such magnetic flip-overs are probably just as common as Ice Ages. On average, they occur once every 250,000. But the last time it happened, it was 780,000 years ago -- so you could say it’s time for the planet to flip again because it is a known fact that the earths magnetic field is fading.
     The second coming would be the best thing that could happen. Based on a diseased population or earth changing catastrophes or nuclear fallout, Jesus coming and lifting us up to heaven for everlasting peace while those who will fall will cease to exist, I’ll take the biblical version. Still the sign of the other happening is something that can be constantly documented today. The only question is when. The Mayan people illustrate the time to be 2012 based on the planetary and natural signals. I once wrote the time would be 2017 based on social economic signals which will be the time the so-called middle class wakes up and see they are working slaves. When you look at the poor who were taken from their homes in New Orleans from the Katrina Hurricane, you can see that the considered poor are people who have ownership and have jobs. The thought of renter scum taking social welfare was unmasked with Katrina. When you see the poor defined as working people within townships of Asia from the tsunami disaster it’s easy to see the poor are us. When this becomes globally understood riots and rage will be escalated to new heights in human history. When the world richest men like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, who are in the act of changing their currency from U.S. dollars to foreign dollars, they see the end of the worlds richest country. In a book by author Joel Kochan, he states in the twenty first century there are five groups of people prepared to survive. These five are Jews, Japanese, Chinese, British [was Britains], and Hindu Indians. Black and white Americans are missing from the equation. 2017 is twenty five years from the last riots in Los Angeles which was felt across the glob. The last riots in Los Angeles are ironically twenty five years from the Watts riots.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Beating A Dead Horse

      Just say you are a conservative and you open yourself up to much attacks on your ideas and views.  I am contrary to most of my family and friends on the subject of political standings.  Standing on the right and not on a fence or in the yard of the left I am constant brought to task.  
      Standing on the right I feel it is only right to stand for the ideas we all believe in but won’t verbalize because of fear of ostracizing someone else.  I also believe that it is only right to speak the truth even if it is not right for others.  I am not a card carrying hack that only speaks the party line in defense of my party or my party leaders.  
      President Bush stated he will take responsibility but did not state he was wrong in the lack of proactive response to the people in the line of fire of Katrina.  This is not right.  If it is true that he is a simple figure head that never watches television and only relays on his people to inform him on coming events and situations then as a puppet he was not wrong just the wrong string was pulled.
      The woman governor of Louisiana whose her people that were most affected was the poor women of her state was not right in blaming the government and playing power struggles rather than getting her people out of danger.  The Black Mayor of New Orleans whose poor Black people were plastered on the televisions around the world as looters and pathetic poor was not right in not being proactive in getting his people out of the way.  
      Maybe I am guilty of beating the dead horse of blame.  I now think the right thing to do is to have us follow the money.  This, the greatest and richest country in the world continues to be divisive in regards to economics now rather than race.  A book by Martin Gilens, “Why Americans Hate Welfare,” argues that news organizations have racialized poverty (65% of poor Americans shown on TV are black, while only 29% of poor actually are black).  Furthermore a CBS poll revealed that 55% of Americans believe most welfare recipients are black when in reality most poor people and welfare recipients are white.  

       In 1982, Von Bülow stood trial for the attempted murder of his wife Sunny at their estate, Clarendon Court, in Newport, Rhode Island. At the trial in Newport, Von Bülow was found guilty and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Claus appealed, hiring famous Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz to represent him. Dershowitz and his team of attorneys managed to cast serious doubts on some of the most damning evidence and witness testimony presented in the first trial, and the conviction was reversed in 1984. At a second trial in 1985, a jury found Claus not guilty on all charges. OJ Simpson a man who became the most famous criminal defendant in American history and so easily recognizable that people referred to him by his initials only. It went on for nine months. There were 11 lawyers including Dershowitz, representing the man in the dock and 25 working around the clock for the largest prosecutor's office in the country.  It became the most publicized case in US history. It was the longest trial ever held in California, costing over $20 million to fight and defend, running up 50,000 pages of trial transcript in the process. There were 150 witnesses called to give evidence before a jury that was sequestered at the Hotel Intercontinental in downtown L.A. from January until October.  Money found both not guilty.  Whether guilty or innocent we may never know but one thing is clear you and I would be in jail because we haven’t the monies these men have.  


      Two men, both who denied a woman the right to say no.  Two men who had money to back their trials and two men whose trial captured the view of the world.  Money was the key factor to us being interested in the cases however all to money in the world would not take the place of a proper defense.  Kennedy Smith came to court and portrayed himself as an innocent soul while Tyson stood before a woman judge and declared he was a known sex pervert.  Dershowitz magic didn’t work in this case but he did get paid.


      Millions were spent to defend four men and the result was that only one served time in jail.  Our priorities are in the wrong place.  Starbucks has made a $5 billion annual business by transforming coffee from a 50-cent daily staple into a $3 treat.  A gallon of Café de boue would cost twenty eight dollars and yet we complain about how much a gallon of gas cost.  

      We the people of the United States should think it is right to prioritize the use of our monies.  We should look carefully where the money goes.  We had a tax surplus and President Bush and our government turned that surplus into trillions of dollars of a deficit from a war we still don’t know why we are fighting.  From an attack on our land from someone we still know not who and now from a hurricane which we knew was coming.  It’s only right to question where is the money going and why?

       “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”  The preamble to the Constitution of the United States starts out as we the people.  Not the president of the United States.  Not the government of the United States.  Not the leaders of the United States.  We the people must ensure that we all have the same dignity and the same opportunities for safety and welfare.  

      As a Black Conservative I must think it is right to also take on the political incorrect look at the Black community.  Notice I use the term as Black community and not African American community.  Recent years have seen many regions of Africa involved in war and internal or external conflict, from the seven or so countries directly involved in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to the Sierra Leone crisis and the war in Ethiopia/Eritrea and the various other civil wars.  Where is the outcry from the Black American Community about this injustice?  There have been over 9.5 million refugees and hundreds and thousands of people have been slaughtered. If this scale of destruction and fighting was in Europe, then people would be calling it World War III with the entire world rushing to report, provide aid, mediate and otherwise try to diffuse the situation.
      As of July 1, 2003, there were an estimated 38.7 million U.S. residents who were either black or black and at least one other race. This race group then made up 13.3% of the total U.S. population.  Black Americans spent $645.9 billion in 2002, an increase of 104 percent from 1990, according to Target Market News, a black consumer market research and information company ( However, how much of those billions was spent within the community.  Maybe the disenfranchised in New Orleans would have income to have left the city.  Maybe those suffering in Africa could have their suffering eased.  African Americans have turned their backs on Africa as well as their own in America.

      I award myself the dead horse award for believing in conserving the Constitution and the belief of we the people.  I am aware that the Constitution was written by white men who didn’t consider Blacks or women as part of their thought processes.  The Constitution was written when there were no women Governors or Black Mayors.  Thinking that this is the reason not to adhere to the words of the constitution is the same as thinking that Moses only brought the Ten Commandments down from the mount to give to only the Jews that escaped the oppression of the Pharaoh.  I give myself the dead horse award for thinking it right for we the people to ensure that there is no disenfranchisements.   I give myself the dead horse award for showing that the poor is a sum total of all of us not just the Black community.  I give myself the dead horse award for pointing out that the
Black community in whole has wealth that can uplift those of our community that is not living in comfort.  I give myself the dead horse award for betting it with the expectations that we the people can make the difference.  President doesn’t have the word “we” in it.  Government does not have the word “we’ in it.  Leader does not have the word ‘we’ in it.  Am I just beating a dead horse or can we the people promote general welfare?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Out of Sight Out of Mind

Ex presidents unite for our money

“I should say that nothing we do can be an adequate response to the agony we’ve seen,” Clinton said. “I am grateful to all the folks who have given.” The millions collected in our tax money did nothing but these two are helping Jr. to collect money for the public.
Bush Sr. decided to head this new fund not because there was a fear the federal government has not been doing its part to help victims even though it is obvious it hasn’t , but to fill in the gaps in government assistance and “help people who would otherwise be overlooked.” I ask why people are being over looked.
Millions of dollars were collected by the people from the 911 relief fund and has there been an accounting for all those monies? Where is it and what happened to it? Who received it? Out of sight out of mind.
“I think there should be an analysis of what happened. The time to do that is after some time passes,” Clinton said regarding where to place blame about the delay in aid, and further stated that there was a 911 commission and maybe there will be a Katrina commission.

A real leader in action

     General Roars into Action in New Orleans
When the cavalry finally arrived in New Orleans to help the survivors of Hurricane Katrina, this after people were abandoned and after days

of seeing people ding, ravaging for food and water leading to mass looting, a cigar-chomping three-star raging caging general led the way. That was Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, commander of the 1st Army, based at Fort Gillem in Atlanta. Normally he oversees training for all deploying troops on the East Coast. For the time being, the Louisiana native is the man in charge on the front line in New Orleans. He is also coordinating military relief efforts for all storm-ravaged areas along the Gulf Coast. Honore is winning over even some of the government's harshest critics, including New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, who blasted the Bush administration's initial response to his city's disaster. "He came off the doggone chopper, and he started cussing, and people started moving,” Mayor Nagin told a radio station. "I give the president some credit on this. He sent one John Wayne dude down here that can get some stuff done." Honore and thousands of National Guard troops rolled in Friday and Saturday, bringing food, water and a sense of safety.

Who played the race card first?

     Rapper West piles on with the race card
Rapper Kanye West, a participant in Hurricane Relief benefit on five of the NBC Universal networks (NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, Telemundo & PAX), decided that it was the right time to make a political statement of his own -- while in the middle of soliciting funds for disaster relief.
"George W. Bush doesn't care about black people," West said.

NBC, quickly cut away from West, but his statement had gone out to millions and was already in the living room.
West was on screen with Mike Myers as he remarked about the perceptions of white versus black looters. When West dropped his bombshell, Myers looked mortified and embarrassed.
The race card was played long before West made his statement. The AFP vs the AP report below shows white people finding bread and soda while a black person in the same condition is said to have looted. Furthermore when you see the masses of people who were left behind and not receiving any from of assistance, and most of them are black, the government played the race card by not being proactive to evacuate or instantaneously reactive.

We can see where it comes from

      One can only wonder what Barbara Bush thinking when she said on National Public Radio's "Marketplace" Of evacuees to the Texas city, Barbara Bush said: "Almost everyone I’ve talked to says we're going to move to Houston." Then she added: "What I’m hearing is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this – this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."
If by "working very well" she meant It’s a good thing that the president allowed us to displaced and homeless. Barbara. Making light of the victims being underprivileged while also making light of the fact they're displaced largely because of your incompetent son's criminal negligence: That is overwhelming hospitality. It's important to note, further, that Barbara Bush is also the one who said this about the Iraq war in 2003:
"Why should we hear about body bags and deaths," Barbara Bush said on ABC's "Good Morning America" on March 18, 2003. "Oh, I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?"

Barbara Bush just wants to hear about the relocated poor, Texas hospitality and stranded dolphins. We wouldn't want 10,000 fatalities in New Orleans alone to trouble her, would we? That is why our President is the man he is and showing contempt towards the poor and explains why vacations are more important than organizing buses to remove people before the hurricane hits.

How can you help?

      Right now in Niger, West Africa, an estimated 3.6 million people are in critical need of food, including 800,000 children under the age of five who are at risk of starvation. In the past year, drought and locust swarms have devastated crops throughout Niger and other parts of West Africa. Nearly 4 Million Ethiopians Are in Desperate Need of Food. 1985: Live Aid makes millions for Africa. Million more made from the album “We Are The World” and still millions are still hungry. George sr. and Bills’ request for our money is made out to be a wonderful thing to see the charity we have towards our fellow man. Out of sight out of mind is the reality. We all sang along with the song and gave our money. Where did that money go and who received it. What happened to our fabulous charity if still twenty years later the same starvation exists in Ethiopia and the situation is far worse along with many other regions of Africa? Where is Michael Jackson and other Black leaders who claim to care about the Black cause. Out of sight out of mind.

TORONTO -- The Ontario Hockey League today announced that $135,000.00 was raised to help the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, through a league-wide program with each of the 20 OHL Member Teams. Detroit, MI -- In response to the events of September 11th in New York City and Washington, D.C., the Detroit Auto Dealers Association (DADA) established a relief fund through the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan. The original goal of the DADA 911 Relief Fund was to raise $200,000 in financial aid. The DADA today announced that employees and owners of the DADA member dealerships in southeastern Michigan had risen over $225,000. In the first days following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, an unprecedented number of Americans contributed over $2.2 billion (some estimates run as high as $2.7 billion) in donations to assist in the relief of victims. (Two hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center, a third into the Pentagon, and a fourth went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.) According to the New York State Attorney General’s office, over 250 new charitable funds were created in the weeks following the 9/11 crisis. This come from the Homeland Security: 9/11 Victim Relief Funds Updated March 27, 2003 Billions of dollars collected from the charity of others to go towards what? Where did the money go and who got the money? Out of sight out of mind.

      In December 2004, a major earthquake followed by a tsunami hit Asia and Africa, devastating many coastal areas. Almost 200,000 people in eight countries perished in a few hours, and over 100,000 are still missing. Many more had their homes and livelihoods swept away. The coastal areas of Indonesia and Sri Lanka and two Indian island chains bore the brunt of the calamity. They will require significant repair and reconstruction. President Bush has pledged $950 million in long-term U.S. support to help the tsunami victims rebuild their lives. To date, approximately $1.2 billion has been given or pledged by donors to Red Cross and Red Crescent national societies around the world. Due to the generous financial contributions from public, foundation and corporate supporters billions of dollars collected and again I ask where the money is? Who received the money? Out of sight out of mind.

      When the Pulitzer Prize seeking journalist decide this crisis has run its usefulness to them. After we endure another costly probing revue sucking investigation to determine who will be the fall guy other than the President. After we give billions of dollars to ease our conscious. Out of sight out of mind again…..

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Mayor Ray Nagin's speaks out

     New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin's speaks out after the fact. Culpability belongs to him because he could have been more proactive, but he did speak from the heart after seeing the carnage developing from the lack of aid from the federal government to hear his comments and find out more (click here)

Social Injustice—Airing Our Dirty Laundry

I have to say something. I have to say something in response to all I have seen this week. I have to say something about what was initially missed by local government officials in New Orleans to help create the pictures I saw this week. I have to say something about the injustice served against the people—the Black people, the poor people, the sick and infirmed citizens of New Orleans—by those who never once considered their plight. But for local government’s failure to act, we probably would not have seen devastation the likes of what we saw this week. [Read More]

by: Angela D. Odom

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Have's and the Have More

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      For many years we knew that a class five hurricane would devastate the city of New Orleans as well as destroy the Gulf Coast area. New Orleans being a city that sits below sea level was bound to be drowned out. As we know “The Big One” will devastate California, Mount Rainer will reactivate and the volcano will devastate Washington State and Yellowstone Park has a active caldera that will devastate many lives. Those events that will happen will happen without the notice we had for Katrina.
      For days while Katrina was making her way to the Gulf coast showing winds and pressures to rival the largest hurricane on record, President Bush was on vacation in Texas. I guess he deserves his vacation so he can oversee his oil empire as the threat of a major disaster slowly makes it way to its consummation of death. Planning the increase of gas prices and not mobilizing trucks, buses and helicopters to bring food, water and dry clothing to the people known to be in trouble was more important. Like stated before this tragedy is something that was known to be coming.
      "Truckloads of water, ice, meals, medical supplies, generators, tents and tarpaulins" are loaded aboard 1,700 trailer trucks in an initial emergency response, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said after the fact, but people were dieing as he spoke. Planning the relief days before the disaster hit was not prevalent.
      The great leader of the richest country in the world chose to fly over the area safe and secure in Air Force One while his people ware drenched and starving and dehydrating and dying. Thought of President Bush in a classroom of children while the twin towers were falling during 911 comes to mind.
      The question comes up as to why those didn’t people leave. Well those of us that have two cars in the driveway and have family and friends all over. Those of us that have credit cards and bank accounts fail to remember that there are far too many who don’t have such luxuries. Remember that the poorest part of this wealthy country live in this region. The wealth they have exist in their family and friends that surround them. Thus they had nowhere to go or the means to go.
      My question is why weren’t their transports for those people prior to Katrina’s arrival. Like Scrooge who stated his contempt for the poor by verbalizing to reduce the surplus population. Ebenezer Bush with his lack of proactive support helped to reduce the so called “surplus population.”
      Lawlessness and looting sprung up from the disaster area and was the top of every story. When talking of the tsunami in Asia the top stories were not of looting. In Sri Lanka some 30,000 people were killed by the tsunami and nearly a million had been made homeless. In neighboring India more than 15,000 people were killed, but the worst hit was Indonesia where more than 94,000 people have lost their lives. Here people far shoddier than those in the United States have very little incidence of looting. There is no excuse for looting yet when disenfranchised people of a rich nation are misplaced by their government and are drenched to their bones. When they are in dire need of food and clean fresh water, what do we think they would do?
      “They’re on the way!” They’re on the way is the answer from the administration when talking about food water and troops. Why is it that on the third day after the disaster President Bush was now mobilizing? Again I state this catastrophe is something that was expected for years and for days meteorologist and weather experts said Katrina was coming and was going to be a category five.
      They’re on the way is not acceptable because relieve should have been ready to go before Katrina hit. My next question is so obvious and extremely dishearten if the truth is as obvious. Mr. Bush is it that the people who were left in the cities were predominantly Black and poor thusly were considered collateral damage and expendable? Ebenezer Bush were they surplus population? They are not part of your “The Have's and The Have More Clan."
      As you stated in a prior speach, your constituency is the Have's and the Have more. Ebenezer Bush will the Carlyle Group get the contracts for the rebuilding of New Orleans? Will there be a plan for urban renewal to keep certain people form returning?

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