Pride Soaring

Location: United States

Friday, September 15, 2006

A Fool and His Money (part two)

        In the era of the government banning numbers running then turning it into a legal institution called the lottery, we have another form of allowing an illegal business to become a billion dollar legal institution. In part two of my series of “A Fool and His Money,” I will address the legalization of pinping.
        Now a pinp is someone who exploits ladies out of their money with allege protection from Johns as the ladies sell their bodies. So to say internet dating is a form of pinping would be a stretch or would it. It becomes an addiction to folks to seek that someone special but in turn you seem never to find that person. Instead people become professional daters.
        Many women are very good at professional dinner partners who get to eat for free and then move on to the next man. Men become professional masqueraders as they lie and deceive to get another conquest in bed. In either case there is a great loss as this throw away society, throws away people like trash.
        Ultimately the on line dating services get paid as peoples lives become trashed. So in that case there is a great similarity in Pinping. This is another billion dollar industry that prey on your wallet and in return you become an addict w
hose soul is jeopardized as any addiction causes.

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Well here we have someone that give us validation to our pimping service, Dr I like your money too!

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        I don’t believe in censorship in our lives so I can’t fault anyone for finding a capitalist way of free enterprise. We are the one giving up our hard earned dollars for a service we think is giving us choices. Staring into a computer and discounting someone based on a profile or a photo may be a way of choice but we are not making connections. That person you discounted might have been the one. Most of us make the wrong choices so when use the menu method of dating we are still making the same bad choices.
        In this day and age if a woman still wants to end up in a bed with a man risking her life and if a man want to spend his dollars on dinners for a professional dater, and then I have nothing to say. Still there are some very dangerous games being played out there. People with ailments who wont be honest, people with sex changes who wont be honest, and people who have become proficient at insincerity the it can be too late before you are infected.
        This billion dollar industry is separating millions of people from their money at an alarming rate that more and more of these dating sites are growing expositional.

        There are men out there that think that American women are gold-diggers and don’t know how to treat a man so they tend to look out of the United States for women to satisfy their desires. Of course their desires are to find a subservient sex slave. This will not work in any country Fellows. Still many men are seeking women outside the country.
        Here is where that sex craved mindset will drain your pocket faster than any American woman. A mans desire is said to be of two things and that is food and sex. The problem with that is thatmost men who desire food are lousy in bed and thus the sex they want is for self pleasure and not for the pleasure of their partner. The man who cares about his body in great degree is also lousy in bed because he too only thinks of his pleasures rather than his partner. With those two choices, what do you expect from women out there.
        There are men who only think of sex and the pleasure of the women. These me tend not to be great partners because they know the can please the woman so they feel they don’t have to be nice. That is why you always see women with men that mistreat them. Face is my fellow men: women want sex too. They only want good quality enjoyable sex that pleases them.
        With that in mind there is a way to find women in your own country, just become partners. Take care of yourself and your body and take care of you partner and her body. Be fair warned however, there are great money scams in the overseas dating game.
        These women state they want to come to your country and tell you sob stories of how bad it is in their countries. They exclaim their deep love for you, (not having ever met you,) and they swear that you are the man of their dreams. They claim to want to have you children and please you in way to make you quiver in ecstasy.
        After they feel they have stimulated your loins and affected your heart with their horridly humbling hardship stories, they then strike your wallet by asking for gifts and begging you to send them money to leave the county to come to you. After hundreds of dollars you never here from them again.
        Below are three of those women. The first from Africa and the other two from Russia. Notice the Russian women have sent me the exact same message! Furthermore they gave me a bank account to send the money to and the bank account was the same for both women. I never sent a dime across the waters but I have read of the millions scammed from men from Europe, South Africa and the Americas.

well honey you coming to ghana would be very much good to join my family wowoowow that would be very nice i wish that day will came soon...well love i was thinking about samething before yu send me this mail love i was thinking well honey i was thinking about if you can send me money here so that i could get the phone here and also same brithday gift's sweety honey..make same small party with friend and have fun y on my brithday my love becos i need to talk to you on a phone so much dear and i hope that you do understand what i mean sweety honey and i hope that i am not asking too much my love becos dear i can wait to talk to you on a phone hummmmm i can just wait place try mail me back soon

what elseš I can tell you about me. I feel that you have already know all things about me. I have fillings as ifš I know you for a very long time.
By the way the day before yesterday my friends and I went to the cinema it was "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". You should see it if you still didn't se it, cause its veryš funny movie.
As for me I want to hear your voice very much, but I dont have a phone at home and you can't call me but if you want you can give me your number

Kisses for you!!! From Margarita Plaksina with love!!!
Russia Bashkortostan,

what elsešI can tell you about me. šI feel that you have already know all things about me. I have fillings as ifšI know you for a very long time.
By the way the day before yesterday my friends andšI went to the cinema it was "Mr. and Mrs.Smith". You should see it if you still didn't se it, cause its veryšfunny movie.
As for mešI want to hear your voice very much, butšI dont have a phone at home and you can't call me but if you want you can give me your number (please inlcude country code and zone area)

FromššSvetlanašGilazeva with love!!!
Russiaš Bashkortostan,

        Finding Ms. Wonderful and Mr. Right is not impossible online. Finding a soul mate through the cyber people menu has happened. I am aware of at lease three of my friends who have met and married their partner from internet dating. Two of those friends found mates from different countries, one from China and the other from Canada. The wonder of being able to reach out across the entire world and finding someone that is connected to you spiritually and whom you are attracted to physically and mentally is amazing.
        To some degree the computer is a way to have non intrusive, non threatening communications. In many cases two people connecting over the internet engage in more communication in a short period of time than many couples do in a year who have physical contact.
        That is the exception rather than the rule however. If it were that simple then there would not be so much money in it. The major problem is that menu. Just like at the restaurant, you see so much that tingles you palette that you can never be happy until you taste it all at some point. After spending all your money and never being satisfied you end up feeling empty. Again a fool and his money is soon and very deeply parted.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

They Sayers

They Sayers

     You know they say:  “A lot of times people look at the negative side of what they feel they can't do. I always look on the positive side of what I can do.”  Well it was not the phantom THEY that said that but Chuck Norris.  Unlike the “they Sayers” in the world I don’t usually quote something or someone without knowing where it can be found.  Also unlike the “they Sayers,” I don’t quote something that would be conflicting or potentially harmful to someone else.  We all know and have “They Sayers” in our lives.  These folks are the ones who like to put a monkey wrench into your life by breaking down your dreams or trying to disrupt your life because you may be doing something beyond the thinking of those around you.  You may be improving your outlook, your health or your career and those around you are feeling inferior, or falling behind you.  These people my only have a concrete vision of who you use to be and refuse to see who you are today.  These people tend to resist change and will tell you that you have changed as if that is something bad.  Their lack of change show lack of growth and their stagnate minds refuses to expand beyond their microcosm of vision.
     These people have such little regards for themselves that it becomes important to reach out as a venomous cobra to inflect their poison into you.  It is often their way of not being accountable for the venom that is spat from their dried up, small minded, self satisfying lips by saying You Know They Say…
     You know they say:  if you read a lot of books your sight will gradually be eradicated by cancer!  Often the word cancer has to come into play as to make is more authentic.  Of course this statement comes from someone who refuses to purchase a book for entertainment but rather vegetate in front of a Television all day.
     You know they say:  too much exercise is bad for your heart.  Why just look at the guy that wrote that running book, he’s dead.  Of course this comes from someone whose hips are spreading beyond their chair and wishes to use the death of one person to allow them to stay sedentary and slumped in a couch somewhere.
     You know they say:  a guy was washing his car and cut himself on the bumper and died of chrome poisoning.  Said to someone who likes to was their car.
     You know they say:  too much pizza will clog you intestines with the cheese and you will die of congestion poisoning.  Said to someone who eats a great deal of pizza.
     These are examples of the many silly and unfounded “They Say” quotes we hear everyday.  Just ask any one of the They Sayers in you life to tell you where it comes from you will hear the completely ridiculous responses like on the news yesterday, but these folks can’t tell you which news.  Or they will tell you they read it somewhere but can’t tell you where it can be found.  
Unfortunately They Sayers often are those very close to you.  If some of these negative folks are your family members that you see and interact with regularly, then you probably can’t avoid them completely. So whenever they say to you, “You can’t do that,” or another similar statement, like the They Say quote, affirm to yourself within your mind and don’t contradict them.  In this case a closed mouth gathers no reason for further disgrace.  Don’t allow yourself to be put in the position of defending someone else’s version of the truth. The most draining and damaging obstacles we all must overcome are those people close to us. Many people fail because of the people around them killing their hopes and dreams with venomous and destructive diatribe used as fact.
You know they say: “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.”  They Sayers tend to be know is alls as they try to conflict with you and your ideas and dreams.  But to avoid being responsible for their words, they always place the responsibility on the invisible, phantoms known as THEY.  By the way the person who made that last statement is Isaac Asimov a Russian-born American author and biochemist.  As I stated prior when I quote someone I can direct you where it comes from.  

Monday, September 04, 2006

Farewell to Steve Irwin

Farewell to Steve Irwin

     A few years ago an insanely off the wall man came across my Tele and I thought he needed a shrink.  He would jump into the water with wild crocodiles, (as if a croc is anything but wild,) and he would pick up venomous shakes with his bare hands by their tails and hold them up for us to see.  Steve Irwin, known as the crocodile hunter came into my household with the flair and insanity of a person who truly cared about the other creatures that we share this earth with.  I began to become effected with his love for Australia and the animals of the world.  His calmness with viperous, aggressive and dangerous creatures was amazing as he was able to show us the beauty of said creatures without harm to himself or the creature.  That calmness and tenderness is something we all should learn from.
     Steve Irwin is no longer with us in parson as he was recently killed doing what he loved.  I am deeply saddened by his passing but I am not going to weep for him for he showed me that a life should be celebrated.  Steve Irwin gave so much to this world in the short 44 years.   Terri Irwin, Steve’s wife and their two children, I know will continue with the work that Steve made his destiny.  I wish to use this platform to thank Steve Irwin for his dedication and enormous love for the animals of this world.  I also wish to give my condolences to Terri and the rest of the Irwin family including his best mate West.   Read more

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